The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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THOT-PLAN'r User's Guide
("Share" Version)
3. LOADING and STARTING the Program
4. TUTORIAL: Getting started
6. Helpful Hints and Useful Tips
Welcome to THOT-PLAN'r<tm>! You are about to begin a revolution
in your personal productivity. We at THOTSystems have been
working on the concepts behind this program for over a year.
Actually, the base of knowledge behind it spans over ten years of
education/training/counseling experience. This is only the first
module in a complete line of software that will create an
integrated "Idea Processing System". We refer to this as a
Text-based Information Management System. We hope that you'll
refer to it as a handy tool for working with ideas!
If you do find it helpful, please take the time, effort, and
money to help us finish the development of the System. Apply
for the User's License. The normal distribution methods are
too difficult to penetrate without enormous advertising expenses
that would have to be passed on to Users through higher prices.
THOT-PLAN'r is an innovative, broad application software tool for
brainstorming and outline generating. It will allow you to
record your creative ideas and flights of imagination as they
occur to you, and then to group similar ideas under major
categories, assign priority in outline form, and realign them
according to the perspective in which you wish to consider them.
THOT-PLAN'r produces a highly organized outline or plan that you
can use effectively to achieve your creative goal. You can use
the outline as it is, or you can expand upon it by using your
word processing program.
THOT-PLAN'r has been designed to put you in control--and isn't
that what "User Friendly" should be all about? There is a
minimum use of "commands", and they are executed by pressing the
key for the first letter of the command word, e.g. <H> for HELP.
By minimizing the commands, you can get "up-and-running" quickly!
If this were a specific application program, such as a "Stock
Market Analysis" package, we would have a pretty good idea of who
the User (You!) are--but because THOT-PLAN'r deals with thinking
activities that are not specific to any one area of application,
we can make very few assumptions about: 1) who you are; 2) what
your needs are; 3) how you intend to use this Program to meet
those needs; and 4) how much you know about using a computer.
You will find that as you become more familiar with THOT-PLAN'r,
you will find more uses for it.
We have included a Tutorial which should step you through to a
completed outline in about 20-45 minutes (depending on your
previous Word Processing experience). If you are new to
computers, THOT-PLAN'r will demonstrate the power that
computerized tools can put at your finger-tips. So much for the
"what". Now let's look at the "how".
THOT-PLAN'r has been designed and developed "from the ground up"
around the the proven process people use to put our ideas/
thoughts into plans for action. We have adapted this process so
that the computer can record your work in an effective way, and
it will provide you with a structure through which you will
process your thoughts.
The program is divided into functional areas, or Functions.
Each Function may be accessed through its corresponding Function
Key (labeled F1-F10). They are arranged in the approximate
that they will be used--approximate, because you don't have to
sequentially through them, and as you discover what works best
for you, the sequence will probably vary from one session, or
Topic, to the next.
The first step is to focus your thinking by creating a Topic.
This Topic is a brief (50 characters or less) statement that
describes what your Brainstorm session will be about. This
activity takes place in the TOPIC Function (<F2> to access).
The next step is to actually begin the "Brainstorming" (F3).
This involves recalling and listing as many ideas as you can that
relate to the Topic for your session. Again, the Topic provides
the focus for your thoughts--thots<tm>.
Note: We've coined this misspelled version of "thought"
(thot) in order to simplify things. It refers to any
contruct that would be readily identified as an idea,
thought, etc. By using the one word, thot, to identify
this concept we won't be confusing you with references to
this concept using different words.
In this Brainstorming step you will type in as many ideas as you
can that the topic stimulates for you. You can use this in a
"Brainstorming" session with a group of people, with one person
acting as a recorder and moderator.
You will create a list of thots. This List of thots will have no
structure, other than the sequence that they were typed. There
is a reason for this. Your mind constantly edits and arranges
information, and probably most of this "editing" happens below a
level of consciousness. Therefore, when your mind is presented
with any kind of structure, it tends to steer your conscious
stream of thought INTO THAT STRUCTURE.
This is normally a wonderful aspect of the mind, but if you're
not sure of what the structure (or content) should be, this "pre-
editing" can cut off some great ideas that might be developing
before you become conscious of them--just because they don't fit
into the given structure! One of THOT-PLAN'r's benefits is that
it provides "insight insurance". More of those great ideas will
be allowed to surface, and when they do, they are captured in
this list of thots!
When your "Brainstorm" has reduced in intensity, it's a good time
to advance to the next step (F4), which is to select thots from
the list to create an arrangement. This arrangement will be in
the format of an outline--that is, the most important thots are
MAJOR POINTS, and are the leftmost items in the arrangement.
Thots that relate to these major points will be placed below and
indented to the right of them.
As you select each thot, you will place it in the arrangement
where you want it to go. Making evaluations and judgements is
what YOU do best. Your Outline will be automatically indexed for
you, and as new things are added, or the arrangement is changed,
these indices are up-dated by the computer. The "house-keeping"
is done by the computer (what it does best).
After you have selected enough thots to create a rough-draft of
your outline, you can advance to the OUTLINE Function (F5).
Here you can use the whole screen to modify your arrangement.
You can even add new thots directly to the Outline with the <N>
(for New thot) command.
As we said earlier, we can't make assumptions about your level of
computer expertise. Therefore, here are several terms/concepts
that you should be familiar with in order to operate the program.
CARRIAGE RETURN, RETURN, or ENTER? That is the question!
First, there is the issue of the "Carriage Return/Enter"
reference. This key is labled differently on different computers
so if you aren't sure which key it is, refer to your computer's
manual. It is the key that acts like a "carriage return" on an
electric typewriter. It also means ENTER or SELECT for some
programs. We will occasionally refer to it as "ENTER". Whenever
you see reference to "<CR>", it refers to this key. The
enclosing arrows (< >) indicate that we are referring to a key,
and not a letter or word.
If you are new to computers, you will become familiar with a
possibly new word, Cursor. The Cursor refers to the graphic
character that indicates the current location of the computer's
logical focus on the screen--it tells you "where it's at". It
points to the location where the letter that you type on the
keyboard will appear on the screen. The graphic character that
THOT-PLAN'r uses is an underline--it looks like this: "_" when
it is not on a letter, or underlines the letter that it is on.
If you are in the COMMAND MODE, the cursor is on the line that
appears in inverse-video. You must be in this mode to use the
commands found on the Command Summary Card.
THOT-PLAN'r uses different windows to display various
information. If you have ever used or looked at a computer
screen, you have used, or seen, a "window". The video-screen is
in fact a window into which you look when you are watching a
program run.
Imagine, if you will, reading this page through a rectangular
hole cut in a large piece of cardboard. This hole is as wide as
these printed lines are, and 24 text lines high. Therefore, you
can't read everything that is on this page unless you either move
the hole, or move this page, as you read. This is more or less
what your computer does. When you look at a document that is
being displayed in a Word Processing program, the size of the
document is usually much larger than can be displayed at one time
on the screen, so you scroll the text into view. It's much like
the paper roll in a player piano. The words roll up (or down)
into view.
So, your computer's screen is really a large, single window.
Thanks to the video-magic of computers, we can have multiple
smaller windows open up inside this large window, and we can have
different "pages" under each of these windows--each one of which
can have different things going on inside of them, or they can
pass information to one another. THOT-PLAN'r makes extensive use
of this technique.
THOT-PLAN'r has helpful information available to you while you
are in the program. The best way to get started is to run
through the Tutorial in Section 4.
3. LOADING--How to load THOT-PLAN'r:
The THOT-PLAN'r diskette does not have the Operating System on
it, which means that you will have to either use another disk
with the System on it to "boot", or you will have to add the
System file to the THOT-PLAN'r diskette for self booting. Follow
the directions for your particular system on starting your system
and then follow these steps:
1) Make sure that your system is prepared to read the Program.
You should see "A>" on the left edge of your screen, on the
lowest (last entry) line.
2) Put the THOT-PLAN'r diskette in your 'A' drive. (You can
either place the THOT-PLAN' r disk in the "A-Drive", or you can
put it in the "B-Drive". )
If you put it in the "B-Drive", you must tell the System to use
that drive, so type <B> ,then a semi-colon <:>, and then press
<CR>. The disk-drives will whirl into action and a "B>" will
appear on the screen.
THOT-PLAN' r must be in the "default" drive. This means that
you cannot be logged-on to one drive, and call it up from
another drive. For example, you cannot load if you are logged
into the "A-Drive" with a "b:tp" load command.
3) Load THOT-PLAN'r by typing "tp" (either upper or lower case),
and then press <CR>. When the program has successfully loaded,
the screen will "blank" and then fill-in with a Credit Screen,
then automatically advance to a Welcome Screen. Press any key
to advance. The next screen gives you the terms of the Limited
License. If you accept these terms, press the <A> key. If you
press any other key, the program aborts and returns you to the
When you've accepted the terms of the Limited License, the rest
of the program will load. The next screen you'll see is the
The box in the middle of the screen is the workspace--in this
case it is a Menu. You can: 1) use the UP/DN cursor controls
to locate the Function you want and then press the <CR> key;
2) press the number corresponding to the item (the numbers
across the top of your keyboard--not from the number keypad); or
3) press the Function Key with the corresponding number.
The box along the top of the screen is the Status Display. It
has three different formats, depending on what mode the program
is in.
The box along the top of the screen is the Status Display. It
has three different formats, depending on what mode the program
is in.
If the program is in the COMMAND MODE the upper-left box, which
shows "TOPICS" in this case, will be highlighted to let you know
that you are in the TOPICS Function. The box to the right of it
shows the current Topic (in this case Undefined). Notice the
"Message Line" in the bottom box. This line will contain useful
information which relates to what you are doing.
While in the COMMAND MODE, if you forget what commands are
available to you in the Function that you are in, press the <?>
(shifted, or un-shifted). The display will change to show the
"command words" which describe the commands available to you.
The commands will vary, according to the specific function that
you are in. This display will return to normal when you press
ANY key (including the letter for the command you want!).
When you are in the EDIT MODE, the display will look like the
COMMAND MODE, except, the second line will say EDIT MODE, and
give you some general commands available. To exit the EDIT
MODE, you must press the ESCAPE Key, <ESC>. You cannot access
help, change Functions, or use the mnemonic commands while in
4. TUTORIAL: Getting Started
The best way to get a feeling for THOT-PLAN'r* is to go through a
session in a "Guided Tour". This Tutorial will use many of the
commands that you will use in a typical session. Here are some
points for you to keep in mind:
A) The symbol <CR> stand for the key marked RETURN, ENTER, or
with the Return Arrow.
B) If you need to erase, just use the <BACKSPACE> key.
C) If the Cursor is a blinking, underline character, you are in
the EDIT MODE and must press the <ESC> key to get to the COMMAND
D) If the entire line that the cursor is on is highlighted in
"Inverse Video", you are in COMMAND MODE, and may use the single
letter commands.
E) While in the COMMAND MODE, you may see what commands are
available to you by pressing the key with the question mark <?>
(you don't have to press the <SHIFT> key with it). A list of the
commands will be shown in the top box (Status Display), and when
you press any key (including the key for the command that you
wish to execute), this display will return to normal.
F) When in COMMAND MODE, you can get help by pressing the <H> key
(again, upper or lower case). Press <ESC> to exit from HELP.
To Begin the Tutorial, just follow these steps:
1. Turn on your computer and call up the Operating System. You
should have an "A>" on the screen.
2. Insert THOT-PLAN'r disk in Drive A.
3. Load THOT-PLAN'r by typing "tp" (upper or lower case is O.K.)
and then press <CR>. You will see a Title Screen> as it loads.
- You will now see two framed boxes on the screen. The box along
the top of the screen is called the Status Display. Normally,
this shows two lines of text separated by a line drawn across the
display. Notice that the top line has a small box at its extreme
left which is highlighted and now says, "FUNCTION MENU". This
tells you where you are in the program. It changes as you move
from function to function.
- The rest of the top line displays the label for the Current
Topic (which now reads, "Topic is Undefined"). The second line,
the Message Line, will give you immediately helpful information
in the form of messages. Right now it tells you that you are in
COMMAND MODE, and that you may press <H> for HELP, <?> for a
Command Summary (points E and F above), or <ESC> to "escape" to
- Go ahead and press the <?> key to see what happens. Watch the
Status Display box contents change. Now press the SPACE BAR. It
now returns to normal. Do this several times if you wish. Now
press the <H> key. The disk drive will start up (to retrieve the
HELP text from the disk) and the HELP window opens in the middle
of the screen (replacing any workspace already there), and then
it fills with text which should help you. If this information is
larger than this window can display, you may "scroll" more
information into view with <PgDn> or <PgUp> keys. When you wish
to escape from all this help, press <ESC> and you will be
returned to where you were in the program.
- The box in the center of the screen is the Function Menu. The
top line in this box is highlighted in inverse video (remember
point "D" above?). This also shows you that you are now in the
COMMAND MODE and that the cursor is on this line. Look at the
eight items listed in this menu. These are the eight Functions,
or functional areas, of THOT-PLAN'r. Press the DOWN ARROW key
once. The cursor has now moved to the second item.
- There are two ways that you may choose items from any of the
menus in THOT-PLAN'r. The first way uses cursor movement to
highlight the item and then select it by pressing the <CR>. The
second way is to simply press the number (along the top of the
keyboard, not from the numeric pad) that corresponds to that
item's number in the menu. In addition to this, the Functions
may be selected by pressing the Function Key with the appropriate
number. This way, you may by-pass the menu once you become
familiar with the functions.
4. Before you can do anything else in THOT-PLAN'r, you must
select a Topic. This activitiy is the second Function, item
"2" on this menu, so go ahead and select this using any of the
two ways explained (or the third way as well, since this is a
Function). Since the cursor is on this item, you could do so by
simply pressing the <CR>.
- The screen display will now change, and the upper left box of
the Status Display has now changed to "TOPICS" and that a larger
box has replaced the menu box of the previous Function. This
new box will display the Topics already present (previous
sessions). Actually, these are the labels for the Topics--
maximum of 50 characters. Also, notice that you are now in the
- Since you will be adding/creating a new topic, press <A>. This
will open a new line at the end of the list of Topics and switch
into the EDIT MODE (the message line reflects this). Now you can
"Add" a new Topic to this list.
5. Type in the following: "Uses for THOT-PLAN'r", and press <CR>.
This enters the new Topic's label and returns you to the COMMAND
MODE. Press <CR> again to tell the computer that you now want to
make it the Current Topic. Now it shows in the top line of the
Status Display, and you are ready to work with it.
6. Press <F3> (the shortcut method for getting to the BRAINSTORM
Function). You could have pressed <ESC> to return to the Function
Menu and then proceeded from there.
- Again the screen display changes. A new, blank window opens
in the middle of the screen, and the Status Display shows
"BRAINSTORM" at the upper-left corner. If this was a previously
used topic, the ideas listed in it would be here, but since this
is a new Topic, the workspace is empty, except for the "1." and
the blinking Cursor which is waiting for you to begin typing in
your thoughts.
7. Type: "General Business" and press <CR>.
- The Cursor now jumps to the next line which is automatically
numbered for you and awaits your next thot!
8. Now, please type in the following items, being sure to press
<CR> after you have typed each thot:
Court Briefs
Business Plans
Lesson Plans
Creative Writing Projects
Marketing Plans
Magazine Articles
9. Press the <ESC> key, followed by the <F4> key. (The <ESC>
got you out of the Edit Mode, the <F4> advances you to the
ARRANGE Function.)
- Again the screen display changes. Now there are two boxes in
the middle of the screen. The one on the left (the List
Window), contains your Brainstorm list of ideas. The box on the
right (the Arrange Window) is the workspace where you will select
items from the List, and Arrange them into an Outline.
- The Cursor has highlighted the first thot on the List (Command
10. With the Cursor on thot #1, press <CR>.
- The words "General Business" have been copied onto the Arrange
workspace, preceeded by Roman Numeral One (capital "i")--You've
just begun your Outline!--and the Cursor is now in this window.
- Notice that "General Business" in the List is now diminished
in intensity. As you use items, they will do this to help call
attention to those that have not been used yet.
11. Now press <CR> again to move the Cursor back to the List.
(The <CR> key toggles you back-and-forth between these two
12. Using the Cursor Controls (Up/Dn arrow keys), place the
Cursor on thot #3, "Business Plans".
13. Press <CR> to make this the Current Thot so that it may be
added whever you want it to the Outline.
14. Now press <A> to Add this after General Business, then
press the Right Arrow key once. This will indent "Business
Plans" and assign the capital "A." as its index.
15. Press <CR> to go back to the List.
16. Use the Cursor Controls to place the Cursor on #9 and then
press the <A> key. This will Automatically Add it to the Outline
without you having to toggle back-and-forth.
17. Move the Cursor to thot #10 and press <A>.
18. Now you are going to shift to another grouping. Move the
Cursor to thot #6 and press <CR>.
- Since you are going to create a new major group, you need to
get the Cursor over into the Arrange Window, and doing this way
carries this new idea with it as the "Current Thot".
19. Press <A> to Add this thot to the Outline, and then press
the <LEFT> Arrow key to "promote" it to the next major group
(Roman Numeral Two).
20. Press <CR> to get back to List.
21. Move the Cursor to thot #4 , then press <CR>, and then press
22. Now press the <RIGHT> Arrow key to subordinate this thot to
"Creative Writing", and then press <CR> to get back to List.
23. Move Cursor to thot #12 and press <A> to add this to the new
24. Move Cursor to thot #8, "Law", and press <CR> (another new
25. Press <A> to add it; <LEFT> Arrow once to promote it
(creating the third group); then <CR>.
26. Now move the Cursor to #2, press <CR>,<A>, then <RIGHT>
Arrow to put this under the newest group, and <CR> again to go
to List.
27. Move Cursor to thot #7, press <CR>, press <A>, then <LEFT>
Arrow (creating the fourth group), and then <CR>.
28. Move Cursor to thot#5, <CR>, <A>, <RIGHT> Arrow, <CR>.
29. Finally, move the Cursor to thot #11 and press <A>. . .
. . .You've just complete your first outline in the Arranging
Window, based upon the thots you typed into the Brainstorm
Window. Notice that the Roman Numerals indicate the major
categories, and that the thots grouped under them are properly
indexed and indented. If you want to, Save this by pressing <S>,
and then play around with it.
Look at the Command Summary Card and try some of the moving and
copying....Try collapsing and expanding the Outline with the
numbers (don't forget to restore the View with <V>!).
To quit the Tutorial, press <ESC> to go to the Function Menu, or
use the Function Key short-cut, <F8>. If you didn't save your
work, and don't care to, select the second option. Good Luck,
and many Happy Thots to you!
*** We recommend that you print out the following two pages ***
to use as cards for command prompt reference.
Add Add a new Topic to list of topics
Delete Mark this Topic for deletion, deletion actually ordered
in Utilities (F6)
Edit Edit this Topic, press <CR> when finished
Help Gets function-specific HELP (commands , overview, and
helpful hints)
Merge Merge Topics that have been marked by <T> and/or <O>
Outline Mark this Topic to Merge thots and OUTLINE
Read Read in an external ASCII file into a list for Brainstorm
Save Save current work to disk
Thots mark this Topic to Merge THOTS only, not Outline
<ESC> In EDIT MODE, Quit edit and abandon changes
Add Add another thot to the list--leaves COMMAND MODE, enters
EDIT MODE and goes to end of the list
Delete This feature marks(***), but does not delete at this time
Edit Edit this thot, opens EDIT MODE. <CR> makes change
permanent and switches back to COMMAND MODE
Help Gets function-specific HELP (commands , overview, and
helpful hints)
Save Save current work to disk
<ESC> In EDIT MODE, Quit edit and abandon changes
Add Add Current Thot after this thot
Help Gets function-specific HELP (commands, overview, and
helpful hints)
Insert Insert Current Thot before this thot (like Add, but above
this thot)
Tag Mark this thot for Copy, Delete, or Move. To use this
for "blocks" of thots, Tag the beginning of the Block,
move the cursor to the last thot, and Tag it
Move Move "tagged" thots, will be below (after) this thot
Copy Copy "tagged" thots, will be below (after) this thot
Delete Delete"tagged" (TAG first) thots
Undo Undo (cancel) the Delete, must be the next command
after Delete
Right & Left Use <R> & <L> to move highlighted blocks
Right or Left
1-4 Collapse Outline to that number level--"View" to continue
View View Outline after collapse--must be restored to continue
X-change eXchange this as the Current Thot for Add and Insert
<ESC> In EDIT MODE, Quit edit and abandon changes
<RETURN> Go back-and-forth between List (left) and Arrange
(right) Windows (When in List Window, make thot cursor is
on the Current Thot)
Add Add Current Thot after this thot
Edit Edit this thot, opens EDIT MODE. <CR> makes change
permanent and switches back to COMMAND MODE
Help Gets function-specific HELP (commands, overview, and
helpful hints)
Insert Insert Current Thot before this thot (like Add, but above
this thot)
New Add New thot after this thot (opens line to add new text)
Tag Mark this thot for Copy, Delete, or Move. To use this for
"blocks" of thots, Tag the beginning of the Block, move
the cursor to the last thot, and Tag it
Move Move "tagged" thots, they will be below (after) this
Copy Copy "tagged" thots, they will be below (after) this
Delete Delete"tagged" (TAG first) thots
Undo Undo (cancel) the previous Delete, must be the next
command after Delete
Right Move highlighted block to Right one level
Left Move highlighted block to Left one level
1-4 Collapse Outline to that number level-"View"...to continue
View View, or restore, Outline after collapse--View must be
X-change eXchange this as the Current Thot for Add and Insert
<ESC> In EDIT MODE, Quit edit and abandon changes
<RETURN> Go back-and-forth between List (left) and Arrange
(right) Windows (When in List Window, make thot cursor is
on the Current Thot)
The commands shown here are "mneumonic-related"--that is, the
command is executed by pressing the first letter of the Command
Word. This is done as a memory aid. The key pressed is a
single keystroke (you don't have to worry about upper or lower
case). For instance, you don't have to press "Shift" key while
pressing the "?"--just press the key with that symbol.
Most of these commands effect the thot (line) that the cursor is
on when the command letter is pressed. The exceptions are:
Merge; <CR> (in ARRANGE Function); Save; and <ESC> . These are
"global" in that they perform their function no matter where the
cursor is.
The Status Display will tell you whether you are in EDIT MODE or
COMMAND MODE--most of the time. If you are not sure which you
are in, look at the cursor. If it is a single-character,
blinking underscore, you are in the EDIT MODE. If the line the
cursor is on is high-lighted in inverse-video, you are in
COMMAND MODE and may use the commands on this sheet.
The FUNCTION MENU is never more than two keystrokes away--
ACCESSING HELP: (There are three levels of help available)
1) The HELP and Overview Function (F1) provides information
about how THOT-PLAN'r works and explains the CursorMovement and
Line Editor commands.
2) The Help (<H> key) in each function's COMMAND MODE accesses
helpful information related to that specific function. This
includes: a Summary of Commands; an Overview of the purpose for
that function; a detailed description of each command; and a
section with helpful hints and short-cuts.
3) When you press the <?> key (while in the COMMAND MODE), the
Status Display (box along the top of the screen) changes its
display to show a list of the words that represents the commands
available while in that Function. Press any key to resume
normal display.
How to Move and Copy thots (ARRANGE & OUTLINE):
1. Place cursor on thot to be Moved or Copied
2. Press <T> to "tag" thot for action
3. Put cursor on line above where you want thot to be
4. Press <M>, or <C>, to Move or Copy
How to Move, Copy, or Delete "blocks" of thots:
1. Place cursor on thot to be Moved, Copied, or Deleted
2. Press <T> to "tag" first thot of block
3. Move cursor to last thot of block
4. Press <T> again--all thots in between will be highlighted now
5. If Deleting, press <D> (press <U> to Undo if you change your
6. If Moving or Copying, move cursor to line above where you want
block to begin
7. Press <M>, or <C>, to Move or Copy
Note: If you wish to remove "tags", place cursor on a
highlighted thot and press <T> a third time, or press <O>.
How to use AUTO-Add in Select Window, ARRANGE Function:
1. Use <CR> to toggle to Arrange (right) Window
2. Place cursor on item thots from list will be added after
3. Toggle back to Select (left) Window with <CR>
4. Place cursor on thot you want and press <A>, instead of <CR>
5. Locate next thot and press <A> again--continue as desired
6. To stop using AUTO-Add, press <CR> to select instead of <A>
How to make a "clone" of an existing Topic:
1. Access the TOPICS Function (F2)
2. Place cursor on topic you wish to make a copy of
3. If you want the whole thing, press <O> for OUTLINE
If you just want the list of Thots (if you want to use the
thots, but want to try an alternative Outline), press <T> for
4. Press <A> to Add a new Topic
5. Give this new Topic a name that will distinguish it from
6. Make this topic the Current Topic (press <CR> and look at
topic line in Status Display. If it doesn't show a new topic,
press <CR> again.
7. Press <M> to Merge the contents of the Topic you want copied
into new Topic.
How to clear the Arrange Window/OUTLINE workspace quickly:
1. Press <"Home"> (in cursor control keys) to get to top of
2. Press <T> to Tag beginning of a block
3. Press <"End"> (in cursor control keys) to get to the last item
4. Press <T> to Tag (mark) the end of the block
5. Press <D> to Delete block (entire Outline), Undo with <U>
Quick erase of Outline: <Home>,<T>,<End>,<T>,<D>
Quick exit with save: <ESC>,<ESC>,<F8>, <2>
Quick exit, no save: <ESC>,<ESC>,<F8>,<CR>
Quick access to main HELP: <ESC>,<ESC>,<F1>
When you "Tag" something (with <T> in ARRANGE or OUTLINE), you
will notice that any thots that are subordinate to it in the
Outline are also highlighted. This is done because it is logical
to assume that whatever is going to be done to the superior thot
(Move, Copy, or Delete) will effect all thots logically related
to it. This might seem a little strange, or awkward at first,
but it will become second nature soon.
In order to keep you in control, we have left the rules for Block
marking and use fairly open. Consequently you may sometimes mark
a block that would violate Level Rules. There are only two
rules: 1) there can be no more than 5 levels in the Outline;
and 2) items can only be indented one level to the right of the
items above them. If your attempts to use blocks fail (are
illegal), try breaking up the Block into smaller pieces, or look
carefully at what you are trying to do to try to find the rule
TO DO List (an example)--
There are two Topics already on your disk. One is a Schedule
(master) and the other a model Agenda (master). You may use the
first one (Topic 1) as a "template" for a weekly TO DO List.
Load THOT-PLAN'r and go to TOPICS (F2). With the cursor on
Topic 1, press <O> to mark it for merging the Outline. Press <A>
to Add a new Topic (if you've used the three topics allowed for
the DEMO version, you'll have to delete at least one--see below).
Give this new topic a label, make it the Current Topic (another
<CR>), and press <M> to Merge. Now advance to BRAINSTORMING
(F3). You'll see the thots used for the template. Press <A> to
Add your own thots, and begin! Topic 1 will not be changed--it
remains a Master.
Because the DEMO version is limited to 3 topics, you'll probably
use this a lot. Enter TOPICS (F2). Place cursor on Topic(s) to
be deleted and press <D>--it will now be marked with three
asterisks (***). Go to UTILITIES (F6) and select option 2,
"Clean the topics file". The marked Topic(s) will be cleared--
resume session.
PUTTING OUTLINES TO WORK--Transferring them to Word Processing
When you are satisfied with your Outline save this final form
("S" while in any Command Mode). Next, call up the FILES
Function (F7), option 1, "Write current outline to a file".
This will create a standard "text" file that you may then use
with your Word Processor. This file will be named "OUTLINE.(N)",
where "N" is the number of the Topic currently in use.
For example, if you are using Topic 2, the Outline will be
written to a text file named "OUTLINE.2". When you enter your
Word Processor you may call this file up for editing and
processing. This is a one-way operation. You cannot take this
file back to THOT-PLAN'r. It is now a "text" file, and won't be
recognized as a Topic file anymore--even if you make no changes!
You'll find THOT-PLAN'r a real help over trying to edit an
outline with a standard Word Processor--especially if the outline
is very large, or complex.
THOT-PLAN'r has a unique feature. It can change the index labels
for the various levels in the Outline. The "standard" outline
format is the default setting (its what you get unless you change
it). To change these indices, go to UTILITIES (F6) and select
the first item.
You will now see grid with five columns across, and seven rows
down. The index that is currently in use for each level is
highlighted. To change these, simply use the arrow keys to place
the cursor on the index label that you want, and press <CR> to
change it from what it was to what the cursor is on. When you
are satisfied with your selections, exit this selection process
by pressing <Esc>, then go to whatever Function you want.
NOTE: You can only use "ROMAN" (Numerals) for the Level 1 index.
Also, the lower left box labeled "Index" is a "Decimal" format
(e.g., 2.1.3). If you select this, all levels will be decimal
format. The following activity uses this feature. Go ahead
and try it!
Your THOT-PLAN'r diskette comes with two Topics already in the
Directory. Topic 1, "WEEKLY SCHEDULE AND PRIORITIES (Master)"
is an example of a "template". Here's how to use it:
- Add a new topic while in TOPICS (F2) function.
- Label it "Things to Do".
- Advance to BRAINSTORM (F3) and type in things that you will
do this week as a "To do list".
- When satisfied, leave the input/edit mode by pressing <Esc>.
- Now Save your work, and return to TOPICS (F2).
- Put the cursor on Topic 1 and press <O> to indicate that you
want to merge the Outline from this topic (if you choose the
Outline, the list of thots will come too--if you choose <T>
for Thots Only, just the list of thots will be merged. It
will now be marked by a single asterisk.
- Press <M> to Merge this topic to the current topic, "Things
to do".
- Go to UTILITIES (F6) and select item 1 to change the Outline
- Now use the DOWN Arow to put the curosr on "NONE" for the
Level 1 index, and select it by pressing <CR>--leave the other
levels alone for now.
- Press <Esc> to exit this index selection feature
- Advance to ARRANGE (F4). Notice that the days now have no
preceeding index, and that the "Things" now show "A", "B", and
"C" class prioritites.
- Arrange the things in your list under the appropriate items in
the Outline. Group them by day, and under the class which
shows their level of importance.
When you try to do something that THOT-PLAN'r doesn't
recognize as a legal command, it beeps and shows a numbered
error message in the Status Window. The following are brief
descriptions and suggestions in case you keep getting one and
don't know why.
#1 "Right movement will create illegal outline"
#2 "Left movement will create illegal outline"
If you try to move items in the Outline that violate
the indentation rules for outlining, you'll get one of
these. Keep in mind that you can't indent more than
one level to the right of the item above.
#3 "You are already at the highest view level"
The "View" has been restored, you don't need to press
<V> again.
#4 "No lines are marked."
You've tried to issue a command that requires item(s) to be
marked, or "tagged" (with <T>) first.
#5 "You cannot move to within marked lines."
You can't move an item "inside itself" (turn it inside-out?!)
Make sure that the cursor is not on a highlighted line before
attempting to move; or, press <O> to turn marking off, think
about what you want to do, and try re-tagging.
#6 "A copy will create level violation."
Copying the marked block to the location you've selected will
either violate the indentation rule, or create more that five
levels in the outline.
#7 "No lines are marked."
Same as number 4.
#8 "You cannot select a topic marked for deletion."
You've tried to select a Topic that is marked for deletion.
If you really do want to use it, un-mark it with <U> first.
#9 "Topic Undefined; Use Topics Option."
You can't brainstorm, outline, or anything having to do with
a Topic until you have selected it. Please go to TOPICS
Function <F2> and select or add a topic.
#10 "No Thots to Arrange; Use Brainstorm or Outline."
There aren't any thots in the Topic selected. Either go to
#11 "No thots to edit"
You pressed the <E> key while in COMMAND MODE, but with no
thots enetered yet.
#12 "You cannot select a thot marked for deletion."
You must un-mark this thot before you can use it.
#13 "Cannot Write File."
There is a problem with the file you've selected. Retry. If
it fails to write again, try to edit it with your Word
Processor. Bring it in as a "Non-Document" file, if your
Word Processor has that capability.
#14 "Line is too large"
You are limited to a maximum of 50 characters per thot, when
you type more than that, you get this message.
#15 "Restore the view ('v') to use this command"
When the Outline is collapsed (with the numbers, 1-4) you
restore the "View" with the <V> before using other
#16 "Exceeds maximum number of lines allowed in outline"
You may only have 400 lines in the Outline. You might
consider narrowing the scope of your Topic, or breaking it
down into several sessions/topics.
#17 "Exceeds maximum number of Thots allowed in Brainstorm"
You are limited to a maximum of 225 thots per session.
#18 "Illegal cursor movement command"
Typically, this is caused by trying to move the cursor
to beyond the limits of the window. For instance, the
cursor is already to the extreme left, and you have
pressed the left arrow key.
#19 "Illegal character for line editing."
You pressed a non-text key while in EDIT MODE. The most
common cause is trying to change Functions by pressing
a Function Key BEFORE returning to COMMAND MODE with the
<Esc> key.
The following errors are caused by pressing a key that is not
a recognized command. See COMMAND SUMMARY for allowable keys.
#20 "Unknown Brainstorming command"
#21 "Unknown Topics editing command"
#22 "Unknown Select or Outline command"
#23 "Unknown Option selection command"
#24 "Merge will create illegally large topic"
Since a session is limited to 225 thots, if you try to merge
several large sessions, whose total number of thots would
exceed this number, you will get this message.
#25 "Cannot merge unless current topic is defined"
You probably have marked topics to merge, but haven't
defined the current topic yet. Select the current topic
by placing the cursor on the desired one and pressing the
<CR>, then order the "merge" with the <M> command.
#26 "There are no topics marked for merge"
You pressed the <M> key, but don't have topic marked for the
#27 "Exceeds maximum number of topics allowed"
THOT-PLAN'r is limited to a maximum of 48 topics in a
directory. This directory is actually the TOPICS file.
Either delete any you no longer need, or use a new disk with
a new directory.
In order for THOT-PLAN'r to function properly, all of its related
files must be in the same Directory on the disk. There are are
three mandatory files:
TP.EXE This is the executable program file
DISPLAYS.A These two files contain the displays and
DISPLAYS.B help screen text--both are required.
THOT-PLAN'r will generate a file called TOPICS if one is not
available. This is a Directory file and points to the various
files that contain the information for each session. While in
THOT-PLAN'r, you may use up to 50 characters to describe a
Topic. This description is linked to a file which is named
TOPIC.n (where "n" stands for the number of the Topic shown in
the TOPICS Function window). The first topic may have the
description "Idea Processing Seminars", and its file name would
be TOPIC.1. Even if you edit, or change the descriptor, the
file name remains the same. If you write an Outline to a file,
the new text file will be named OUTLINE.n (where "n" refers to
the number of the Current Topic which has been written).
And now for some tricks. Suppose you want to group some similar
Topics together in the same disk (or directory on a hard-disk).
You'll have to do some planning and manuevering. The best way to
keep everything in order would be to make a numbered list of the
Topics you want. Be sure to include their descriptor and topic
number. Create a new THOT-PLAN'r work-disk with just the TP.EXE
and two DISPLAYS files (no "topics").
Enter THOT-PLAN'r program as though you were going to use it. Go
to the TOPICS Function (F2) and enter (as new topics) the
descriptors for each topic on your list in order. Then exit with
a Save. This will create a new TOPICS directory file and a bunch
of TOPIC.1...TOPIC.n files (all empty at this time). You should
be back at system level. Copy each TOPIC.n file to the new disk
MAKING SURE TO RENAME IT to the new number extender.
For example: Suppose you had a topic "Office Party Plans" that
was the third topic on the THOT-PLAN'r disk. It would be the
file TOPIC.3. Now suppose that when you copied onto the list
(and then into the new THOT-PLAN'r disk) it was topic number 8.
Put the old disk in the "A" drive, the new (consolidated) disk
in the "B" drive and copy with rename by typing:
(System prompt, A<) copy topic.3 b:topic.8 <CR>
Do this for each file that is on your list, being careful to
have the extension numbers correspond to the old/new relation
on the list. Its a lot of work now--but this will be handled
by a utility in our next product "Think-n-Write"<tm>!
*** The following is a copy of the file LICENSE, in case it is
missing from your diskette.
THOTSystems, Inc.
P.O.Box 1508
Soquel, CA. 95073
Please either print this form out and fill-in information by hand
(please print) or bring up on your word processor. Send this
completed form and a check or money order for $30.00 to us at the
above address.
Program Serial Number (I.D.):
Your Name:
Area Code:
The following is optional, but we would really like the feed-back
if you will take the time. Please score 1-10 (ten being great)
and include comments.
What was your first impression of the product?
Was there enough HELP or documentation?
Was the Tutorial helpful?
What could we do to improve this product?
What do you like about THOT-PLAN'r?
What did you dislike about it?
Are you interested in discussing publishing our products or
working with us on vertical market applications? If YES,
describe what your interest is.
Would you like us to send more information about the
Distributor License? (Y or N)
Thank you!